Jenoptik delivers a variety of projects, providing real world benefits
Showcasing our experience in the road safety, civil security and ITS markets
Permanent SPECS schemes
SPECS safety cameras – A90 Dundee to Aberdeen

The A90 is a key part of the Scottish trunk road network, typically carrying around 23,000 vehicles each day.
Following a comprehensive review of the route, Transport Scotland decided to install an average speed camera system to help improve the safety performance of the A90 by encouraging better driver behaviour and improved levels of speed limit compliance. The scheme has also contributed a number of additional benefits including the reduction of incident frequency and impact, while also improving journey time reliability.
SPECS safety cameras – Lancashire

Lancashire Constabulary were looking to manage speeds through enforcement to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on some of the most dangerous roads in Lancashire.
Jenoptik delivered a pan-Lancashire distributed SPECS solution covering eight routes, over 46km. Initial evaluations have seen significant reductions in both road traffic collisions and associated injuries on all eight routes, with detection’s of excessive speed reducing on every route.
SPECS at roadworks schemes
SPECS safety cameras – M1 J6a-10 widening

The M1 in Hertfordshire is one of the most congested sections of the UK motorway network with daily traffic volumes of 160,000 vehicles.
SPECS average speed cameras were specified for the M1 widening because it was believed that safety could be maintained during the roadworks, whilst potentially benefiting from the improved traffic flow conditions that had been noticed when using SPECS cameras elsewhere.
SPECS safety cameras – M4 J10-12 technology upgrade

The M4 10-12 NMIS scheme was a Highways Agency project to upgrade the communications infrastructure between junctions 10 and 12 of the M4. The project was innovative in its use of narrow lanes with a 50mph limit over a long length of traffic management, which moved along the carriageway in three phases.
SPECS average speed enforcement cameras were specified because it was believed that safety, traffic flows and vehicle throughput would all be maintained, despite the presence of the Traffic Management. Following the completion of the SPECS controlled period, all of these objectives were satisfactorily achieved.
SPECS and journey time in roadworks – M4/M5

With major roadworks in place for the installation of managed motorways on the M4 Junctions 19-20 & M5 Junctions 15-17, the Highways Agency required drivers to be informed of any delays in advance of the works area.
Jenoptik installed a journey time monitoring and information system alongside the SPECS average speed enforcement system, displaying journey times through the works to drivers via portable variable message signs (VMS) at key decision points on the network.
Integrated ANPR solutions
Red X (lane closed) monitoring – motorways

A-One Plus & Connect Plus on behalf of Highways England, were looking for a temporary system to determine vehicles that had illegally passed under red X (lane closed) motorway signals, to then send letters to drivers. VECTOR Z ANPR cameras were installed, with the data fed back to a hosted TraffiData back office facility.
The customer benefits were simple installation and management of the system, that didn’t involve the complexity of Home Office Type Approval. The solution encourages greater driver compliance with red X signals via sending out information to offenders rather than issuing fines and licence points.
Weigh in motion & over height detection – Erskine Bridge

Transport Scotland required a solution to monitor the 44 tonne gross weight limit, and detect offending vehicles ignoring the high wind bridge closures. The system supplied incorporates VECTOR Z ANPR cameras, integrated with a weighing system, and a height measuring system, with data fed back to a bespoke hosted cloud based back office.
Transport Scotland are very encouraged by the data collected so far, and the possibility of further integration into the bridge management infrastructure. The system reduces the congestion associated with inappropriate HGV’s using the bridge.
ANPR cameras, weigh in motion, & back office – Countrywide (UK)

Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) required a new intelligent ANPR system (camera and back office) to support and expand existing use of ANPR and operational targeting activities.
The provision of the VECTOR ANPR cameras, weigh in motion system, and TraffiData back office analytics, enabled DVSA to track, manage, intercept and enforce HGV’s utilising the UK strategic road network, providing significant assistance in the DVSA’s ability to deliver high compliance with the HGV road charging levy.
Car park management systems
Horizon Parking & Sainsbury

Jenoptik partnered with Horizon Parking to deliver a state of the art car park management solution, combining VECTOR ANPR cameras, VMS technology and a sophisticated car park management back office for numerous Sainsbury stores throughout the UK.
Customer number plates are read on entry and displayed on a local VMS sign, informing Sainsbury’s customers when their free parking period expires. A second VECTOR camera captures plates of vehicles as they leave, allowing the Horizon Parking back office to identify and process contraventions for vehicles that have overstayed the free parking period.
Do you have any questions? We will be happy to help!